Invitations to Play and Learn: Kandinsky Circles

In the annals of “sometimes homeschool moms have great ideas which they plan for and then forget about” …..


I recently found a picture which I had printed out several years ago so the children could do some art in the style of Wassily Kandinsky.



Since there’s no time like the present I went ahead and set up a provocation at the project table.

Tree trunks and circles and ovals in various colors in the loose parts tray. A neutral paper as background and a couple of glue sticks.


At first the children didn’t really notice the layered effect in the original work and their pieces looked like this



Later ( I usually leave a provocation available for about a week) they looked more closely and pieces came out more like this



Bull did this one. He said it was “a tree with leaves that look like peacock eyes”

This was a very successful provocation. It engaged the children so that I had to refill the loose parts tray a couple of times. It led them more deeply into the art so their own works became more complex and helped them to incorporate things they had seen into a particular artistic endeavor.

I’m not sure that they would remember the inspiring artist’s name but I do think they would recognize his work.


This entry was posted in Art History/Art, Creativity, Elementary School Projects, free play, Handwork, homeschooling, preschool educcation, Preschooler projects, Quiet Projects and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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