Prepping for Next Week – Seven Quick Takes

The key to a successful week for me is to prepare for next week at the end of this one! As time goes on I get a better and better sense of exactly what that looks like:

— 1 —

Erase the chore charts so they are clear for Monday. Duh! Should be both obvious and simple- but if you’re me you don’t do it and then on Monday in the middle of chores I’m “too busy” and by Wednesday I haven’t been crossing off jobs as we did them and we are “too behind” and I give up on chores for the week.

So I erase the charts on Sunday afternoon.

I use wet erase markers on my laminated charts, it usually wipes off with a damp cloth or a diaper wipe.

— 2 —

File all of last week’s completed schoolwork in the appropriate folder. I found these hanging pockets at an office supply store last fall. It’s supposed to be for teachers to organize file folder games in (and that’s what I bought it for) but I’m actually using it as a place to keep each child’s completed work, pages I’ve printed for future work, and art.

I color code the folders so everyone knows where their work goes.

— 3 —

Set Bull’s folders of preschool work up again. I usually print a couple of week’s worth of the curriculum we’re using at a time, then put a week’s worth of materials into the folders for each day. This gives me the opportunity to review what materials I’m going to need and what stories we will cover.

One folder for each day. Some of the material is new each week and some I have laminated so that he can use it again and again.

— 4 —

Review and update lesson plans for Mouse and Buggle. I’ve been using Jolanthe Erb’s Homeschool Planner for a couple of months now and find it very helpful. At the end of the week I make sure we checked off the things I had written down and look over the next week’s lessons to see how much instructional time I expect each child to need as well as identify any extra materials we might need.

— 5 —

Think about the calendar. Are we running errands? On what day and where? Special activities? What does the weather look like and should I try to arrange a playground day with friends, or plan for a rainy day or two? S and I will usually talk about the calendar Sunday night so I try to have it worked out in my head at the very least.

— 6 —

Meal planning. I’m still working at making this a regular part of my weekly prep. Right now the only thing I know for certain is that Monday is always Meatless….

— 7 —

Once I’ve done the planning I try to spend some time praying over the plan.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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