The Past Few Weeks…

Have been a whirlwind of activity!


Home Educators Association of Virginia Convention in Virginia– one full day of driving to get there (the children did very well and made traveling really enjoyable for the most part. A day and a half of visiting with family and friends (oh, the joy! of friends that you can just blend with even when you haven’t seen them for years!), two and a half days of convention (children’s program for the big three, two Question and Answer Panels for me, plus plenty of time at the Special Needs Resource Table answering questions and juggling the baby and the three year old ( he did nap in the stroller most of the afternoon on the two full days), Vigil Mass on Saturday evening, a picnic supper with friends and then the long drive home again the next day! Good and well worth it, but very full!



Unpack the car, put things away and a dance recital– That was this week. Unpacking in a steady rain on Monday, putting things away Monday and Tuesday, cleaning the upstairs (a good start anyway) on Wednesday, making sure all the dance recital stuff was ready on Thursday, and three hours of dress rehearsal yesterday for the recital today.




Sick children-?Mostly the three year old but the baby is a bit snotty too. Jack has a full fledged something: runny nose, good fever (104.3 this morning), and the worst sign (given his personality) no sense of humor. Kept the littles home from the recital today and will keep them home from church tomorrow. Praying we don’t end up with croup again….


Working on-?Lesson plans for next year’s schooling, year end testing for the big two, clearing out the basement to make a playroom/romping room, working with the other mom’s to organize a Catholic homeschool co-op for next year.

Coming up-?Another trip to Virginia for my baby sister’s wedding, baptism for all five children (have you ever tried to arrange for ten godparents at once?), a trip to Tennessee and Kentucky for S’s family gathering.

Clearly never boring around here!


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