A Day Of Blessings?

Some days don’t begin so well….

Yesterday actually started going badly about 10:30 on Wednesday night when Su came and climbed into bed with us. Usually this means she’s had a bad dream. She comes in, snuggles for a few minutes and goes back to bed. Wednesday night though went something like this:

Su: Mama, can you hold me?
Me (half-asleep): Come here.
(She climbs in between us and snuggles my shoulder)
Su: My tummy hurts.
Me (still half-asleep): Do you think you’re going to….
Su (vomits all over the bed, herself and me)

She apparently has inherited some of my reactions to fruits. We’d had some melon (from an organic farmer) for supper and it didn’t agree. By morning she was fine, although we fed her very carefully..

Of course I had planned to let her go with F to the neighbor’s house while I took W and Baby J to the doctor for W’s 2 year old check-up (only six months late I’m doing pretty well). Since she’d been sick we decided to send F to the neighbor and let S take Su and the van and run a couple of errands while I was in the appointment. Through a variety of circumstances though I managed to arrive for the appointment 15 minutes late and had to reschedule. Of course S was already gone with the van so I had to sit and wait for him. At least he had the cell phone so I could call him….

It worked out well though since J was asleep in the stroller and W and I got to sit and watch a crane lift and move half a dozen loads! He really enjoys such things and I often don’t feel like we have time to watch a crane work.

Some other things happened that threw us off schedule until after naps, but it was OK. By God’s grace I was able to remain calm and patient. In fact I’m beginning to think that the laryngitis I’ve had all week may be a blessing in disguise as I’ve had to do my parenting with the children in my presence rather than calling to them to “Stop doing that!”.

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3 Responses to A Day Of Blessings?

  1. Hope you all feel well! How frustrating that they cancelled the appointment when you were 15 minutes late – we’ve always had to wait an hour+. Wishing you blessing – and your voice back!

    • K_Steinmann says:

      Finally occurred to me to use my inhaler (for occasional asthma) and suddenly I was able to move all the glop off of my larynx. So my voice is back.


  2. Oh, Kyndra! Bless your heart! I HATE vomit messes during the night. I do LOVE your heart, though, that seeks to bring Him Glory and to allow Him to be your Provision, learning to discern the quiet Voice of the Spirit in every circumstance He allows in our day. I’m thankful you are all better. Thank you so much for linking up!! 🙂

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