Laundry Daze

So one of my goals this month is to do no more laundry in a day than I can have folded and put away by evening chore time. For me this means about three loads. Amazingly I’ve actually seen the bottom of the laundry sorter and the top of the folding table several times this week. More laundry is getting put away, and more laundry is getting done than I’ve ever managed to do regularly.

Here’s what I’m doing:

  • One of F’s morning chores is to collect the laundry and bring it down to the utility room. He sorts it into the three bin laundry sorter (underwear and socks, towels and sheets, dresses and shirts).
  • I put on one load as soon as I come down in the morning. Usually I run something not very dirty that I can use the “fast wash” setting on my machine on. This way the first load of laundry is done in half an hour and I can have it dried and the second and third loads in the washer and dryer when we go upstairs for school at 9 am.
  • I try to fold the first load during morning chores after breakfast and have the children put it away. The second load gets folded after school and put away during lunch time chores. Sometimes the third load gets folded then too, sometimes it gets done in the evening.
  • I’ve decided to make Fridays a day when I don’t wash but concentrate on getting everything put away, the ironing done and the socks matched.
  • Most importantly I’ve decided to be OK with always having a load or two that could be run. Dirty laundry is constantly being made and the goal of completing all the laundry was just too frustrating.

In other goals:

  • The children are really getting into the idea of the Thanksgiving Journal. I do need to work more on sitting still and listening during reading and prayer.
  • I’ve been managing some stretching and walking, but Su and I have both been having asthma trouble so I haven’t been pushing that very hard.
  • School planning is going fairly well, I’m waiting on a few books to come in the mail.

The laundry really has been my big push this month though and I think I’m beginning to see how to manage it best….

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8 Responses to Laundry Daze

  1. Mariposa says:

    I’m trying to figure out a new laundry system now that I have a newborn and am using cloth diapers. It’s amazing how much babies go through!

  2. K_Steinmann says:

    I had two in cloth at one point.
    I used a five gallon bucket as a diaper pail. A full bucket was about one load of laundry. Into the empty bucket went about 2 gallons of water, a cup of white vinegar and a squirt of bluing (Walmart in the Laundry aisle it helps keep the diapers white). Wet diapers just went straight in. Dirty diapers get rinsed in the toilet first and then go in. I did a load of diapers about every other day. Plastic pants usually just got rinsed in the sink and hung in the tub to dry.
    Since there isn’t any bleach in the diaper pail you can throw clothes that have gotten pooped or spit up on in there as well, just don’t run them in the washer with the diapers as there you’ll want to use bleach.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Right now laundry isn’t too hard to manage with just me and my husband. Like Mariposa, I have a newborn coming (any day) and I know that is going to be the beginning of a whole new laundry world!

  4. Deanna says:

    Laundry is never fun, but it sounds like you have a good system! Keep it going and have a great week!

  5. K_Steinmann says:

    Thanks, Deanna for the encouragement.
    Stephanie, any child but especially a newborn changes your life in so many ways, be sure to give yourself plenty of adjustment time. Try something for a while, then readjust as ages and circumstances change…K

  6. It sounds like you’ve come up with a good system to get your laundry done this month. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  7. K_Steinmann says:

    Thanks Ashley,

    We’ll see how this week goes we had no power this morning, so no laundry got done…K

  8. Pingback: Laundry Daze Part II | Kyndra Steinmann

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