The Weekly Plan (and Link-Up): June 24th

The Weekly Plan

Didn’t do so very well this week. Of course some of that comes from having unexpected company on Wednesday afternoon, and taking a trip to my sister’s farm for two nights which was also unexpected!

S has been working on some professional certification classes and exams for quite some time and called me on Tuesday to say that he was ready for the last one and was planning to take it over the weekend. These exams are (in my opinion) a combination of actually testing knowledge and seeing whether or not they can get people to do the work. S had 96 hours from the time he downloaded the exam material to do all of the financial analysis work and write about 10,000 words worth of professional memos and proposals!

So he checked into a hotel on Friday, so as not to have too many distractions and I took the children to my sister’s for a visit as they’ve been wanting to play with their cousins and I needed to pick up the first half of my poultry order for the year anyway!

We had a great time as always! Eight children between the ages of almost 7 and six months can really wear each other out, especially when they spend the majority of their time outside. I don’t think any of the bigger ones were awake ten minutes after being put to bed on Saturday night, the nappers took a little longer to fall asleep …

Back home yesterday and back into the swing of things today. With that in mind, here’s the plan for this week:

Weekly plan June 23

Once again I’d love to know what you’re up to this week! Link up in the comments or on Facebook!

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2 Responses to The Weekly Plan (and Link-Up): June 24th

  1. Jillian says:

    New plan is up- Saturdays aren’t working for me for follow up, so I’ll just recap in each week’s new blog:

    It looks like you did well last week. Our plans don’t always coincide with God’s plans- even in the “little” day to day things.
    Good luck to Sam!

    • K_Steinmann says:

      I think I’m going to recap on Mondays too…Saturdays can be a bit nuts around here…Looks like you got a fair bit done as well…K

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