Walking in Faith: Daily, Hourly

Lately we’ve had so many changes…to our schedule…to our studies…even to who is at home when during the day…I find this very hard to deal with. Although theoretically I think flexibility is important I really like to have a plan and a schedule and follow the plan and the schedule. For one thing it makes it possible for me to actually accomplish things if I know what I’m supposed to do next and? for another I just like to know what’s next.

I read about people who live differently and I think ” How can they just stop planning? That would drive me NUTS.”? I do think though that deviation from the plan shouldn’t stress me out the way it has been these last weeks. After all I’m not being asked to move to a foreign country or even do anything all that different from what I regularly do.

All I’m being asked to do is to be kind and loving to my children, respectful of my husband and open and welcoming to those around me, whether there’s space for that in the schedule or not. The Lord knows what needs to happen around here to keep things running smoothly and I need to relax and let Him send the people and situations to me that He desires and not fret about the laundry, housekeeping or schooling while the more important things of loving the children etc. slip by. I need to remember that they won’t be little forever and that some of the lessons they are learning now from my example will have an impact on their futures beyond what I think.

I need to trust that God will not send me more than I can lift by his grace. I need faith to walk moment by moment in that grace. Every word that I speak must reflect his love and that is only possible though the daily and hourly walk of faith.

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One Response to Walking in Faith: Daily, Hourly

  1. r.elliott says:

    Stopping by from Anns…Yes… change…letting go of control is hard from a momma…I love the focus…moment by moment to walk in Love and Grace takes faith.

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