
The past couple of days I’ve been too busy with other things, Making applesauce, school shopping and so on to really think much about posting. I will just offer up this for your entertainment today:

Restless quest

For knowledge?

Why can we

Never resist

Clicking that link?


Why do we yearn

To know every detail

Of everyone?s

Life and thought?


We can?t stop clicking

The reload button

Again?and again?and again.


?Surely someone




In the last thirty seconds.?



What?s going on that

I can ?like?

Or comment on?

Proving myself a pulse.


How artificial!

(or artificial seeming

Since some at least

Of our endless seeming of ?community

Does seem to spill over into real life)


Sometimes we are there?

Beyond the webbed page

Where we spill

Our hearts

Or other?s hearts

As pleases us

In pithy status updates


Wordy comments

and Emoticons


Sometimes we still reach

For real, human touch

For the pain and beauty

Of Presence in the physical


Mostly though we



Click again

Flogging fainting feelings

To forfeiture of life.


And of course this morphed as I was typing it…not sure it says what I’m trying to say now, or maybe it does…

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