Benefitting From the Homeschool Convention: Part Three


Now that I’ve gotten my registration packet for the HEAV Convention it’s time to finish planning my day! I only have a babysitter for Friday so I need to maximize my time efficiency in order to get everything in. In addition it looks like S’s work schedule is going to allow him to attend for at least part of the time so I need to look at the vendor list, and workshop list again to see if there’s anything I really want him to look at….

S is a programmer by trade so I’m particularly interested in having him look at computer resources. We have a computer for the children, and F will probably be ready for some simple programming this fall/winter. I’ve asked S to start thinking about what he would do if he were to spend one hour a week introducing F to programming, and to look at things at the Convention with that topic in mind.

In Part Two of this series I gave a schedule for my day. Here’s what I’m doing to maximize efficiency now that I have the packet:

  1. I printed the Booth Map and the list of Vendors by booth number.
  2. I went through the list of vendors again, clicking through to almost all of the websites and marked the Booth Number List with subject information.
  3. I marked the booths I wanted to visit on the map. Blue for my top choices, pink for secondary stops, and yellow for give-it-a-quick glance.

Since I live within biking distance I’m planning to bike to the convention. S will take the bus down from work (he needs to work part of the day) and then one of us will go back on the bike to get the van and bring home what I’ve purchased. I’ll be bringing a small backpack with the following items:

  • my plan for the day
  • a notebook
  • several pens
  • cell phone (remember to charge it the night before)
  • my wallet
  • a gallon bag to put brochures and business cards in (I know that some will be too big but most should fit and this will help me feel uncluttered)
  • some home printed “business” cards to use for entering drawings, signing up for newsletters etc. I may also print some labels with the same information.

Spending: I’m planning to do all of my spending in cash as that makes it much easier to stick to a budget for me. I may order some things at the convention as well, it depends what I find and what vendors have decided to bring.

Last of all I’m planning to cook lunch and supper ahead for Friday so I don’t have to worry about either meal, and to write out instructions for the babysitter. If I manage to get it all done I know it will be by grace, so I’m spending a lot of time in prayer that I would remain focused and not be overwhelmed by all I want to accomplish…

See you on Friday!


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One Response to Benefitting From the Homeschool Convention: Part Three

  1. Ooooooh, I like your ideas! Taking the gallon bag for flyers is great. As well as bringing business cards. 🙂 You’re one well planned momma! It’s going to be a great convention.

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